How eating contests lead to the discovery of a breakthrough in amazing weight loss.
I found a new breakthrough way to solve the obesity epidemic and I am giving it to the world where 2.1 billion people are overweight, obese, and morbidly obese.

I am not talking about some scam or voodoo money making scheme that rips off people that are truly in need of a REAL solution.
Five years ago and many clinical trials I have 100% proof that my patent pending Macroloading Method will solve obesity to safely lose the maximum amount of weight in the fastest time humanly possible.
The breakthrough I found was in eating contests what they all have in common is the 100% instinctual stop eating trigger when you reach complete satiation or fullness.
if you have a stomach and a brain there is always a stop eating point and the lasting effect of not being hungry for long periods of time. It does not matter if you are young or old, male or female you can always reach that physical and mental response of I can not literally take another bite and food becomes completely unappetizing.
Over six years ago I went on my first diet I hated the diet food and the small portions left me relying on willpower alone to make it to my next meal. If you have ever been on a diet you know what it's like waking up starved and "CHEAT EATING".
Food addiction is real and that's the big secret diets never address REAL LIFE HUNGER!
There's no secret to gaining weight if you consume too much food you gain weight, just as there's no secret to losing weight if you consume too little food you lose weight. Not rocket science. The world health community has it right with their advice "just eat less" and "move more".
So I knew there had to be a better way because that amazing diet I was on was just not working for me... I would lose a little weight then gain it all back and more. Starving myself to be thin was for me just was not working.
What I discovered was that the market is full of scams and rip-off schemes to separate you from your money. I found that they could not be proven with any scientific scrutiny and nothing would satisfy real life hunger. They were just praying on people in search of real help and that was just plain ugly.
Then with all clarity, I came up with a real solution that would change everything the diet industry has been saying is the only way to lose weight.
With any breakthrough method, it has to be simple, easy, and 100% effective and if it's inexpensive more people will use it.
My method will always work if you are YOUNG or old, male or female. All you need is a stomach, a brain, a straw, water absorbing Bio-Curb hydrogel, and a glass of water!
The magic happens in your stomach when you feel hunger coming on... only one small teaspoon of non-organic water absorbing ZERO calories Bio-Curb will trigger your natural stop eating response in 30 minutes just the same way an eating contest triggers stop eating.
Bio-Curb is an FDA non-toxic and (GRAS) rated hydrogel that only absorbs water to swell from a "salt size granule to a blueberry size" 99.9% water soft, slippery, and safe hydrogel that will not break down in stomach acids.

You naturally and easily eliminate Bio-Curb in your next bowel movement and since Bio-Curb is wet and slippery food will not bind to get hard solving any issues of constipation!
Bio-Curb will put REAL physical volume, weight, and density just like REAL food much like a gastric balloon triggering real fullness faster and solving diet crushing hunger with ZERO calories.
Bio-Curb works better than surgery because you can adjust how much nutrients dense healthy food you can physically consume from 100% "stuffed" to 1% full. I don't know any bariatric surgery that can do that. You now have full control to manage how much you can eat!

Here's the bottom line and how you have to lose the maximum weight in the fastest time possible. It just makes perfect sense The Macroloading Method with Bio-Curb now allows anyone YOUNG or old, male or female to consume 90% less food than normal and meets the world health community advice that eating less will result in weight loss.
You can go ahead and suffer starving yourself to lose weight or try the breakthrough method of satiation management "never hungry" easy and simple way using Bio-Curb.
Bio-Curb merits are so strong that all I use is social media and word of mouth for advertising.
What drives me the most is childhood obesity with parental guidance and Bio-Curb you will never have a child tell you they are hungry.
I keep Bio-Curb low in price so more people can afford to use this amazing product. A months supply (340 grams) is only $35.00
You can find Bio-Curb only at or
Reach a healthy BMI and give yourself or someone you love a chance to live longer.