Bio-Curb Never Hungry 24/7 - EAT LESS - Two-Day (24 grams)
Bio-Curb Never Hungry 24/7 - EAT LESS - Two-Day (24 grams)

Bio-Curb Hydrogel

Bio-Curb Never Hungry 24/7 - EAT LESS - Two-Day (24 grams)

Regular price $ 8.50 Sale price $ 5

  ==> FDA SAFE<==

Bio-Curb Crystals Are Used As A Dietary Aid To Stop Hunger And Cure (OFA) Over-expressed Food Addiction the root cause of obesity!

The bio-compatible Bio-Curb water absorbing granules react with water expanding from a small "granule" to a "blueberry size" 99.9% water - Soft/Slippery/Super Hydrogel With The Same Density, Volume, And Weight As Food, But With ZERO CALORIES!

You Never Feel Hungry 24/7

The Macroloading BIO-CURB product works In Thirty Minutes to trigger the fullness feeling and your instinctual  STOP eating response! 

Food will not bind to Bio-Curb and will cure constipation for normal regular bowel movements!

Try doing the two-day only water detoxification/colon cleanse/fast while never being hungry!

 (Bio-Curb  99.9% Water Hydrated Soft Water Hydrogel)

(Bio-Curb absorbs water to become 99.9% water hydrogel)
Macroloading "Bio-Curb hydrogel" is in a class by themselves made up of 100% safe and effective all natural super high molecular biomacromolecules of polymerized HYDROGEN, CARBON, OXYGEN, AND NITROGEN the four large molecules comprising all living things.
 The Macroloading Method Solves Hunger 24/7 - EAT LESS - Lose The Maximum Amount Of Weight Safely In The Fastest Way Possible.