How To Macroload With Bio-Curb Hydrogel

Now Is The Time To Take Control

Now Is The Time To Take Control

If you have ever been on a diet you already know... If you could only eat smaller portions of food and follow a great diet without feeling hungry, it would be perfect!

The main problem has always been that a low-calorie diet means small portion sizes that don't fill you up or come close to satisfying your hunger or keep your food cravings under control. You start to focus on your empty stomach and the oppressive hunger pangs.

All the "signals" around you are telling you to eat

"It's like fighting a tsunami with a screen door... a losing battle"

The obesity rate continues to climb to pandemic level

 You may think you are alone... but you are part of the 30 Percent Club that's the percentage of obese people worldwide. A staggering number... if you have joined the 2.1 BILLION people worldwide it's not your fault.

"The United States was home to the biggest chunk of the planet's obese population - 13 percent - even though it claims less than 5 percent of its people".

Earth's population now tops 7 billion with 2.1 Billion obese people... that's a lot of people with specific healthcare needs.

Advice from the World Health community

Eat-Less and  Move-More

"I hate all those people that have amazing willpower or great genetics and can eat anything they want and never gain any weight"

"I get sick of seeing the crazy pictures of people before and after and how hot they look now"
"I hate that people can go on a very restrictive diet and actually... DO IT"
"It seems so easy for most people to lose weight, but when I try it's never easy"
"I am tired of everyone telling me... It's all about eating less and exercising more"
Permanent solution for  (OFA) Overexpressed Food Addiction 

New science proves we are genetically pre-dispositioned for (OFA) Overexpressed Food Addiction. You need to get over the feeling that it's your fault. We all need to eat to live... making overexpressed food addiction the hardest addiction to overcome. Regardless of what all these diets and exercise programs want you to believe food addictive people just can't follow or maintain these extreme programs and survive on small restrictive portion control. 

 "The real trick for any successful protocol or program to work... It has to be simple, easy, and must have immediate desired results... do the thirty-minute demo in a glass of water and see and feel the proof" -Jayson Tratten 

How To Use Bio-Curb 


1. Whenever you feel hunger coming on...

Pour in one teaspoon (about 4 grams) of Bio-Curb in a minimum 16oz to 24oz glass of water or water based liquid.

Tip: Using a straw draw up the Bio-Curb and liquid immediately. Do not wait as the bio-crystals start absorbing water quickly like a sponge and will become too large to fit through your straw!

2. Wait for twenty to thirty minutes for Bio-Curb to activate/expand absorbing most of the liquid in your stomach*.

*Tip: If you still don't have a "fullness feeling" coming on and you are still hungry try adding another 1/4 Teaspoon of Bio-Curb and a water based liquid building to a fullness foundation physical feeling.(stomach sizes and eating habits vary)

Tip: Drinking more water will complete the fullness feeling.

 3. When you reach your fullness feeling... EAT  LESS - EAT HEALTHY! -

(Bio-Curb Crystals transform into a large soft-slippery "99.9% water hydrogel)


  Biomacromolecule Science 

 Biocompatible with the human body

Biomacromolecule science is of biological origin. Biology refers to macromolecules as the four large molecules comprising living things. Macroloading "Bio-Curb Crystals" uses biomacromolecule science as a 100% all natural cure for (OFA) over-expressed food addiction the root cause of obesity.

 Macroloading with "Bio-Curb" is in a class by themselves made up of 100% safe, non-toxic biocompatible natural super high molecular macromolecules of HYDROGEN, CARBON, OXYGEN, AND NITROGEN the four largest molecules comprising living things. 

Each tiny bio-curb crystal when put in water, will absorb and increase over 400 times it's original size becoming a totally Inert - zero calorie - water absorbing super-biomacromolecule superstar!

The water expanded Bio-Curb have a Jell-O like consistency and are 99.9% water! This is important because water is our most tolerated substance on earth. Macroloading with it's cutting edge science is perfect because it works with our bodies natural responses. Bio-Curb absorbs and detoxify naturally and by adding volume, weight, and density at the proper amount will trigger the "I'm full and can't take another bite feeling".

Solving All Your Hunger Issues - That Will CURE You Of Obesity.

When you use the Macroloading method it feels like you just ate a HUGE meal.... But with ZERO calories! 

Your hunger goes out the window! 

 Nutrition Facts

  • Colorless
  • Tasteless
  • Odorless
  • Zero Calories
  • 0% Fats
  • 0% Cholesterol
  • 0% Sodium
  • 0%Total Carbohydrates
  • 0% Protein

Bio-Curb is totally free of: 

MSG, Acesulfame-K, Artificial Colors, Artificial sweeteners, Aspartame, Lactose, Sugar,  Wheat, Gluten, Fish, Artificial preservatives, Shellfish, Yeast, Soy, Citrus, Animal Derivatives, Nuts, Eggs.


Tip: "Using a low-calorie nutrient-dense food plus supplements works best with Macroloading.The Feel Full Macroloading Method uses your bodies natural instinctual responses for feeling full to fight diet crushing hunger spikes to achieve maximum weight loss in the fastest amount of time". 

Tip: Macroloading's secret for a successful weight loss plan is done in "three to four week weight loss increments... then a reset 1 pound gain period". It's now easy to lose 20 to 30 pounds in a month (depending on starting weight) with your new tool of Macroloading and stepping down quickly and safely to your healthiest Body Mass Index.

Macroloading will "train" your mind and stomach to mentally and physically consume less food by triggering the "I'm stuffed and can't take another bite feeling".

Tip: It's important to leave just a little left in your stomach to "top off" with your minimum (BMR) Basal Metabolic Rate of food consumption.

The best thing about Macroloading is you can follow any diet or anything you crave! You will find that it's much easier to make the right food choices now that you are not hungry anymore.

"When I go to the grocery store on an empty stomach"... "I always buy more and unhealthy food"..."When I go shopping on a full stomach I buy less and better quality food "... Nancy K.
With the Macroloading method, you can safely consume up to 90% of what you normally would eat to make better choices and satisfy anyone's overeating issues. Macroloading is a real cure for (OFA) overexpressed food addiction. Macroloading works without exercise but will motivate you to move more... 

Here are some other benefits of using the Macroloading Method

  • Never be hungry
  • Solve constipation
  • Detoxify 
  • Safely and quickly lose the maximum amount of weight possible
  • Save up to 90% in your food shopping and budget (you'll eat much less)
  • Reach your goal weight safely in the shortest amount of time possible
  • Maintain your healthiest Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Get better sleep on a full stomach
  • Better focus on a full stomach than when you are hungry
  • Wean you off of addictive processed food by making better choices that's not controlled by hunger
  • Solve OFA Over-expressed Food Addiction the root cause of obesity
  • Better self-esteem when the weight starts to come off
  • The Macroloading Method will more than double the weight loss of any restrictive small portion control diet plan in the shortest amount of time possible.
  •  Soothe hemorrhoids.  

Macroloading gives you back control 

Macroloading will enable anyone young or old, male or female, rich or poor to naturally, safely and quickly lose the maximum amount of weight possible.

What people are saying:

"I use it for my Nutrisystem program - I am not hungry anymore between meals" - Stacy S 

"This should be an integral part of every diet or diet program" - George M. 

"Finally, something that really works to solve my hunger issues" - Larry S.

"I save so much money by buying less food now I can afford better quality items" Pat N.
" Why no one else has thought about doing before amazes me" - Judy T

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CURE overexpressed food addiction and obesity... not only for our generation but for future generations...ending obesity is our goal and our passion - let's start today"  J Tratten /